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Administrated by:

The Destination: Travel Group Inc.

Underwritten by:

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (Canadian Branch)

24 hours Emergency Assistance Center:

Zurich Travel Assist


NOTE: Monthly Payment Plan is available on check out (payment step) for sum insured amounts of $50,000 or more and trip durations of 6 months or more.*

   – Maximum Benefits:  $25,000; $50,000; $100,000; $150,000; $200,000; $250,000; $300,000
   – Emergency Hospital: semi-private hospital accommodation.
   – Physicians, surgeons or anesthetic services
   – Private duty services of a Registered nurse up to $10,000**
   – Diagnostic services:  Lab tests and/or X-ray examination as ordered by a physician for the purpose of diagnosis.
   – Ambulance Transportation: Licensed local air, land, or sea ambulance (including mountain or sea evacuation) to the nearest hospital, when reasonable and necessary.
   – Emergency Air Transportation: such as air ambulance, one-way economy airfare, stretcher and/or a medical attendant to transport you to your country of origin due to a covered emergency sickness or injury **
   – Medical Appliance:  Rental of crutches or hospital-type bed, not exceeding the purchase price, and the cost of splints, trusses, braces or other approved prosthetic appliances.
   – Prescription drugs: 30-day supply up to $1,000 per policy.
   – Professional Medical Services referred by a physician – care received from a licensed physiotherapist – up to $500. The service of a chiropractor, osteopath, chiropodist, and podiatrist – up to $500 for out-patient treatment.
   – Accidental Dental:  Up to $3,000 for emergency treatment to whole or sound natural teeth damaged by an accidental direct blow to the face.
   – Dental Emergencies: Up to $500 for the immediate relief of acute dental pain.
   – Follow-up visits  : Up to $3,000 provided they are directly related to the emergency***
   – Emergency Return Home:  Up to $3,000 for the cost of one-way economy transportation to your country of origin, if the covered sickness or injury necessitates your immediate return home during the period of coverage. This benefit also includes one additional insured family member.
   – Return of Deceased (Repatriation): up to $10,000 to return the body to the country of origin, or up to $4,000 for cremation or burial at the place of death. The cost of a coffin or urn is not covered.****
   – Childcare expenses – (Attendant) up to $50 a day to a maximum of $500 for attendant to care for your travelling companion(s) under age 18, or physically or mentally handicapped travelling companion(s) who rely on you for assistance, if you are hospitalized for 48 hours or more as a result of an emergency,
  – Meals and Accommodation – in the event you or your insured travelling companion are confined to hospital on the date on which you are scheduled to return home – up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500, or up to a maximum 10 days for commercial accommodation, meals, child care costs, essential telephone calls and taxi fares incurred by you or any insured travelling companion.
   – Transportation of Family or Friend:  Up to $3,000 for a round-trip economy transportation to bring one family member or close friend to your bedside when advised by an attending physician OR to identify your remains in the event of your death. Up to $1,000 for accommodation, meals, essential telephone calls and taxi fares incurred by your family member or close friend after arrival**
   – Accidental Death & Dismemberment:  up to the maximum sum insured selected at the time of application, not to exceed $150,000 for accidental loss of life, limb or sight (excluding flight accident).****
   – Flight Accident – up to $50,000 for death as a result of air flight accident.
   – Flight to/from Canada coverage: Coverage begins on the latest of the following: a) the date and time the completed application and premium are accepted by the Destination Travel Group Inc. or its agent; or b) the date indicated as the effective date in your confirmation of coverage; or c) the date and time you exit your country of origin.

* A deposit of 2 months of premium payable by credit card is due at the time of application.
** Must be pre-approved by Zurich Travel Assist.
*** Follow-up means re-examination of you to monitor the effects of earlier treatment related to the initial emergency, except while hospitalized. Follow-up does not include continuous or ongoing treatment or further diagnostic, or investigative testing related to the initial emergency.
**** All payments are to be made to the Estate of the Insured person in the case of their death.


As of the effective date, you are eligible for coverage if you:
a) are at least 15 days old; and
b) are not travelling against the advice of a physician; or
c) have not been diagnosed with a terminal illness; or
d) have not been diagnosed with or received treatment for pancreatic cancer, liver cancer or any type of cancer that has metastasized (migrated to another organ from its original site); or
e) have not been prescribed or used home oxygen in the last 12 months; or
f) have not been diagnosed with or received treatment for heart failure; or
g) have not had a major organ transplant (heart, kidney, liver, lung), bone marrow or stem cell transplant; or
h) have not received kidney dialysis treatment in the last 12 months; or
i) have not been diagnosed aneurysm of 4 centimeters or more in either length or diameter, that has not been surgically repaired.
Note: If your effective date is more than 3 years from your application date we will cancel and refund your policy.

WAITING PERIOD for illness:
– No waiting period if the insurance is purchased: before your departure from your country of origin or the same policy has been extended.
– 48 hours after your effective date, if you purchase within 30 days of the date you depart from your country of origin.
– 7 days after your effective date, if you purchase 30 days or more after the date you depart from your country of origin.
The waiting period will be waived when this insurance is purchased:
• before the date of departure from your country of origin; or
• before the date your existing Destination: Canada policy expires and there is no lapse or gap in coverage; or
• before the date any other existing health insurance coverage expires, and there is no lapse in coverage. In the event of a claim, you must provide satisfactory proof of your previous insurance coverage in order to have the waiting period waived.
Any sickness that manifests itself during the waiting period is not covered even if related expenses are incurred after the waiting period.

–  If at the time of application, you are 59 years of age or under and selected Option 1: Pre-existing medical conditions are covered provided that those medical conditions have been stable in the 90 days immediately before the effective date.
–  If at the time of application, you are between 60 and 69 of age or under and selected Option 1: Pre-existing medical conditions are covered provided that those medical conditions have been stable in the 120 days immediately before the effective date.
–  If at the time of application, you are between 70 and 79 of age or under and selected Option 1: Pre-existing medical conditions are covered provided that those medical conditions have been stable in the 180 days immediately before the effective date.
– If at the time of application you are 79 years of age or under and selected Option 2 at the time of application: All pre-existing medical conditions will be excluded from coverage.
– If at the time of application you are 80 years of age or over: All pre-existing medical conditions will be excluded from coverage.

STABLE means a medical condition that is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:
a) there has not been any new treatment prescribed or recommended, or change(s) to existing treatment (including a stoppage in treatment); and
b) there has not been any change in medication (including increase or decrease of dosage), or any recommendation or starting of a new prescription drug, and
c) the medical condition has not become worse, and
d) there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe signs or symptoms, and
e) there has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist, and
f) there have not been any tests, investigation or treatment recommended, but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results, and
g) there is no planned or pending treatment.
All of the above conditions must be met for a medical condition to be considered stable.
Medical consultation means any medical services obtained from a physician for a sickness, injury or medical condition, including but not limited to any or all of: history taking, medical examination, investigative testing, advice or treatment, and during which a diagnosis of the medical condition need not have been definitively made. This does not include routine annual medical check-ups where no medical signs or symptoms existed or were found during the check-up.
Change in medication means the medication type, dosage, or frequency is reduced, increased, stopped, and/or new medications are prescribed.
• regular blood tests that result in routine adjustments of Coumadin, warfarin, or insulin as long as these medications are not newly prescribed or stopped; or,
• changing from a brand name medication to the same dose of a generic medication


If you decide to extend your trip, you may apply for a new period of coverage provided you meet the requirements in Eligibility of this policy. If you have incurred a claim, the Assistance Centre, on behalf of the insurer, will review your file before deciding on granting an extension. Each policy or period of coverage is considered a separate contract and all limitations and exclusions will apply.
NOTE: If you extend your trip for the purpose of returning to your country of origin, coverage outside Canada will be provided while you are in transit even if you do not spend the majority of the period of coverage in Canada if:
a) the policy is purchased on or prior to the expiry date of an existing Destination: Canada policy; and
b) the number of days in transit to your country of origin does not exceed 3 days.
Under no circumstances will coverage be provided in your country of origin.

Emergency medical expenses you incur during a side-trip outside of Canada, provided the majority of the period of coverage is spent in Canada (at least 51% of your trip). Costs incurred in your country of origin are not covered. The temporary return must be less than 51% of the coverage period.

Automatic Extension of Coverage
1. Delay in conveyance: This coverage shall be automatically extended for up to 72 hours in the event of a delay, during the period of coverage, beyond your control of the conveyance in which you are riding or are scheduled to ride as a passenger. The delay must occur prior to the expiry date. Conveyance means an airline, train, bus, vehicle, or ferry.
2. Medically unfit to travel: If medical evidence supports that you are medically unfit to travel due to a covered sickness or injury on or before the coverage expiry date, coverage will be automatically extended for up to 5 days.
3. Hospitalization: If you are hospitalized at the end of the period of coverage, as a result of a covered sickness or injury, coverage will be extended for you and one insured travelling companion remaining with you, when reasonable and necessary, during the period of hospital confinement, plus 72 hours after release to travel home. Coverage for your travelling companion will only be extended under their respective policy when issued by us.
Additional premium will not be required for an automatic extension of coverage.


When submitting your refund request, please send a written request to us by fax, mail or email before your coverage period ends, and include:
1. a copy of confirmation of coverage; and
2. confirmation of your early departure such as boarding pass or any other documentation to support your refund request.

Refunds will only be considered when:
a) the entire trip is cancelled prior to the effective date.
b) you return to your country of origin prior to the expiry date.
c) You become insured under a Canadian provincial or territorial health/medical plan as long as you are not required to maintain coverage for work permit or other immigration purposes.
If the insurance was issued as part of the requirement necessary to obtain or maintain a visa and no proof of visa refusal is provided, a fee of $150 will be applied by The Destination: Travel Group Inc. when cancelling a policy issued for one year of consecutive coverage prior to the effective date. Once your policy becomes effective, your deposit premium becomes non-refundable.
The Destination: Travel Group Inc. reserves the right to report to Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC) policies that are cancelled where maintaining adequate medical insurance is required to obtain a visa.

Partial refunds will be:
– considered if the request for premium refunds is received no more than 90 days after the expiry date of the policy; and
– calculated based on the date the refund request is received by The Destination: Travel Group Inc.; and
– subject to a $25.00 administration fee applied by The Destination: Travel Group Inc. and a minimum refund of $25.00.
Important Notes: Under no condition will a refund be made if a claim has been incurred or paid or is pending.
For the Monthly Payment Plan, the deposit premium becomes nonrefundable once the policy becomes effective.

The Monthly Premium Payment Plan is only available to applicants purchasing a minimum:
a) coverage period of at least 180 days; and
b) a minimum aggregate policy limit of $50,000.
Each installment premium includes an additional $10 fee and applies to each installment throughout the whole term of the policy.

Monthly Premium Payment Plan Schedule
1. An initial payment of two installment premiums is payable by credit card due at the time of application.
2. A third installment premium is payable on the effective date of the policy, as shown on your payment schedule included with your confirmation of coverage.
3. After that, recurring credit card payments will be made each month on the same day as your effective date. If your policy effective date falls on the 29th, 30th, or 31st day of a month, installment premiums will be billed on the 28th day of each month.

Can you pay up a Monthly Premium Payment Plan at any time?
You may pay the outstanding premium for the full period of coverage at any time. A one-time $10 fee will be applied to process the payment of the outstanding premium balance.

What happens if you miss a payment on the Monthly Premium Payment Plan?
If The Destination: Travel Group Inc. is unable to charge the credit card on file, an email notification from will be sent immediately to the email you provided on your application. You will have 30 days from the emailed notice to pay the outstanding premium. A $25 processing fee may be charged in the event of each failed payment. If we are unable to collect the premium, the policy will be terminated on the paid-to date.
NOTE: Once your policy is terminated, you will not be able to reinstate the policy, and no grace period will be permitted.

What happens if your arrival date to Canada is postponed?
If the arrival date is postponed, or cancelled, you must contact your agent/broker, prior to the effective date to either:
– change the policy effective date to a future date; or
– request a refund of the premium paid, see Premium Refunds section of this policy for details.

What happens if the Government of Canada issues an entry permit that is different than what you applied for?
If the Government of Canada issues you an entry permit that is different than the one you applied for, you may:
– request a refund of any premium paid, see Premium Refunds section of this policy for details; or
– change from a Monthly Premium Payment Plan to payment in full.

NOTE: Any request must be received prior to the effective date of your policy. Proof of the change in entry permit will be required. Once your policy becomes effective, your deposit premium becomes non-refundable.


In the event of a medical emergency, you must notify Zurich Travel Assist (toll free 1-888-726-1839 or worldwide collect + 1 (416) 260-4553) prior to any surgery being performed or within 24 hours of admission to a hospital.
If you fail to notify Zurich Travel Assist, without reasonable cause, it will result in the reduction of eligible benefit amounts payable by 20%. You will be responsible for any expenses that are not payable by the insurer.

1. Claims must be reported within 30 days of occurrence.
2. Written proof of claim must be submitted within 90 days of occurrence.
3. Any costs incurred for documentation or required reports are your or the claimant’s responsibility.
4. To submit your claim, fill out the claim form completely and include all original bills. Incomplete information will cause delay.
5. All eligible claims must be supported by original receipts from commercial organizations.

Important note: Benefit Payments – Unless otherwise stated, all provisions in this policy apply to each eligible insured person during one period of coverage. Benefits are only payable under one policy, for each insured person during the period of coverage. Benefits are only payable for the plans and the specific sum insured selected, paid for and accepted by the insurer, at the time of application, and indicated in your confirmation of coverage letter. Any benefits payable do not include interest charges.
Benefits payable as a result of your death will be payable to your Estate.

Zurich Canada Travel Insurance
c/o Zurich Travel Assist
100 King Street West, Suite 5300
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5X 1C9
For Online Claim Submission visit


This policy will not provide coverage, provide services, or pay claims for expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
1. Pre-existing medical conditions
Option 1: Coverage for stable pre-existing medical conditions.
a) If at the time of application, you are 59 years of age or under:
Any pre-existing medical condition unless it was stable in the 90 days immediately before the effective date.
b) If at the time of application, you are between 60 and 69 years of age:
Any pre-existing medical condition unless it was stable in the 120 days immediately before the effective date.
c) If at the time of application, you are between 70 and 79 years of age:
Any pre-existing medical condition unless it was stable in the 180 days immediately before the effective date.
Option 2: Any pre-existing medical conditions.
2. Any sickness for which symptoms occurred before or during the following waiting period:
     · 48 hours after the effective date if you purchased within 30 days of your date of departure from your country of origin; or
     · 7 days after the effective date if you purchased 30 days or more after your date of departure from your country of origin.
The above waiting period will be waived when this insurance is purchased:
a) before the date of departure from your country of origin; or
b) before the date your existing Destination: Canada policy expires and there is no lapse in coverage; or
c) before the date any other existing coverage expires and there is no lapse in coverage. You must provide satisfactory proof of your previous insurance coverage.
3. Costs incurred due to:
a) Alzheimer’s disease or dementia;
b) any loss resulting from your minor mental or emotional disorder; and/or
c) your self-inflicted injuries, unless medical evidence establishes that the injuries are related to a mental health illness.
(Minor mental or emotional disorder means: – having anxiety or panic attacks, or; – being in an emotional state or in a stressful situation. A minor mental or emotional disorder is one where your treatment includes only minor tranquilizers or minor anti-anxiety medication (anxiolytics) or no prescribed medication at all.)
4. Costs incurred due to: • act(s) of war or act(s) of terrorism, • kidnapping, • riot, strike or civil commotion, • unlawful visit in any country, • participation in protests, • participation in armed forces activities, • participation in a commercial sexual transaction, • the commission or attempted commission of any criminal offence or illegal act, • contravention of any statutory law or regulation in the area where the loss occurred.
5. Any sickness or injury when a trip is undertaken for the purpose of securing medical treatment or advice, a diagnosis, treatment, surgery, investigation, palliative care, or any alternative therapy, as well as any directly or indirectly-related complication.
6. Any loss, death or injury, if evidence supports that you were affected by, or the medical condition was in any way contributed to by, arising from, or in any way related to:
a) the abuse or chronic use of alcohol either before or during the period of coverage; or
b) the use of prohibited drugs, or any other intoxicant either before or during the period of coverage; or
c) the non-compliance with prescribed treatment or medical therapy either before or during the period of coverage; or
d) the misuse of medication either before or during the period of coverage.
7. Any medical consultation or any treatment that is non-emergency, experimental or elective such as cosmetic surgery, including any expenses for directly or indirectly related complications.
8. Any treatment, investigation or hospitalization which is a continuation of, or subsequent to, emergency treatment of a medical condition, unless approved in advance by the Assistance Centre.
9. Any treatment which can be reasonably delayed until you return to your country of origin (whether or not you intend to return) by the next available means of transportation, unless approved in advance by the Assistance Centre.
10. Hospitalization or services rendered in connection with general health examinations for “check-up” purposes, treatment of an ongoing condition, regular care of a chronic condition, home health care, investigative testing, rehabilitation or ongoing care or treatment in connection with drugs, alcohol or any other substance abuse.
11. Any rehabilitation or convalescent care.
12. Injury resulting from training for or participating in:
a) speed contests usually and customarily in excess of 60 km per hour;
b) motorsport contests;
c) stunt activities, exhibitions or demonstrations of any kind;
d) sport activities, if you are considered professional by the governing body of that sport and you are paid for your participation;
e) heliskiing, ski jumping;
f) skydiving, sky-surfing;
g) scuba diving if diving depth does not exceed 30 meters (except if certified by internationally recognized and accepted program such as NAUI or PADI);
h) white water rafting (except grades 1 to 4);
i) street luge, skeleton activity;
j) mountaineering; or
k) participation in any rodeo activity.
13. Any loss incurred as a result of pregnancy, delivery, abortion, miscarriage, or complications thereof.
14. Any loss incurred as a result of your child born during a trip.
15. Any sickness or injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident where you are entitled to receive benefits pursuant to any policy or legislative plan of motor vehicle insurance.
16. Treatment or services that contravene, or are prohibited by legislation under a provincial or territorial hospital/medical plan.
17. Naturopathic, holistic or acupuncture treatment.
18. Costs that exceed the reasonable and customary rate for the area where the treatment or services are being performed.
19. Any act of terrorism or medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory was issued by the Canadian government stating “Avoid all non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” regarding the country, region or city of your destination,
a) before your policy effective date; and/or
b) for your side-trip outside Canada, if the official travel advisory was in place on or before the date you leave for your side-trip.
To read the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Official Global Travel Advisory site. This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory.
20. Any loss incurred outside of Canada when you have not spent the majority of the period of coverage in Canada.
21. Any loss incurred inside your country of origin.
22. Any sickness, symptom, or injury that presented, recurred, or for which treatment was received during any temporary return to your country of origin during the period of coverage.
23. Air travel other than as a passenger in a commercial aircraft licensed to carry passengers for hire, except while being transported under the terms of the Emergency Transportation or Emergency Return Home benefits.
24. Any loss resulting when you are a driver, the operator, a co-driver, a crew member or any other passenger on a commercial vehicle used for the purpose of delivering goods or car- rying a load. This exclusion is not applicable when the commercial vehicle is used during your trip solely for pleasure purposes and not used for delivering goods or carrying a load.
25. Applicable to Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits only: Being an occupant of an aircraft, either as passenger or crew, or while boarding or disembarking from an aircraft.

– Country of origin means the country in which you maintained a permanent residence or passport prior to entry into Canada as declared as your country of origin on your application. For Canadian passport holders without permanent residence, country of origin means the country you departed from before arriving in Canada.
– Dependent children means your unmarried children who are:
a) financially dependent on you; and
b) at least 15 days of age; and
c) age 21 or under; or
d) age 25 or under and attending school full time; or
e) of any age, who are mentally or physically disabled.
– Coverage dates must be the same for all the family members.
– Maximum period of coverage: 365 days.
– Minimum premium per policy: $25.00.
– Rates include $0 deductible option.
– Age 86 and older – $500 minimum deductible
– The deductible amount is shown on your confirmation of coverage and applies to each claim.

IMPORTANT NOTEThe product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.


Please Note: The information and content of this site is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute insurance, legal, financial, tax or any other professional advice or services. Insurance policy wordings are subject to change at any time, without prior notice. Please, read the disclaimer page for all legal restrictions and terms of use or call us toll free 1-877-838-0020